Google: Next version of Android (M) will come pre-installed in your car

Just imagine the power of Android inside your car, with the invention of Android Auto. However, everything comes with the limitations; first is a compatible vehicle is required, second a device with Lollipop to enjoy latest Android innovation.

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With the emerging technologies, devices will easily be upgraded to Lollipop, resulting in many Android Auto ready cars rolling on the roads. However, the best solution is to have Car with pre-installed Android Auto.

Now the Android Auto will be built into your car’s dash directly.

All the diagnostics and other data, in addition to navigation and media will be trapped in your vehicle with the Android OS. Before this comes in to the market, Google have to convince of the value of Android Auto to the automakers. Also a lot of work needs to be done in terms of stability and performance. Android M need to start this instantly before it could come as car’s main

Automakers also want to make a difference in their product from their competitors. Honda uses Android Auto while Toyota opting Apple’s.

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